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The disposition of the light, its entrance into the house, its intensity, its color, its position in the spaces in relation to the family dynamics, its sustainability and its economic impact, the cost of lamps and bulbs and its maintenance when acquiring them Etc. Enlightenment has a crucial role to play in your life. Here we reveal why.
The lighting set is a fundamental part of the new decoration of your home. When you design your having stays in mind you can afford to create warm and cozy environments, in tune with you, in which your personality will be expressed and the objects that you like most will be highlighted.
With light You can play beautifully, providing a stimulating air at home at the time of work, or a quiet and intimate air at the time of the break at dusk, simply using indirect lights and the right tone.
We start with a technical question… we will explain something practical, directional light and diffused light.
A lamp can emit light in two different ways, directional or diffuse.
-The directional light comes from lamps that emit a beam of light concentrated on a specific surface. These lamps usually have opaque and reflective screens, which makes the light concentrate.
-The diffused light on the contrary spreads evenly throughout the room, creating a light bubble that produces soft contrasts in dimly lit areas. It is achieved with translucent screens, glass, paper or fabric. This light, despite being very warm and pleasant, is not a light for a particular function. That’s why it should be combined with directional light. An example of warm diffused light is the beautiful «Moon at Home»
Another question: It is important to know how to use daylight, taking advantage of its entrance to the maximum, there is a popular saying: «Where the Sun enters the doctor does not enter».
Sometimes at night it is necessary to resort to a type of white light very similar to the sun for specific moments such as time to study or work, for example, in your kitchen… Our eyes get tired less when they work with this kind of light, you can ask in the stores and they will give you specific information about this. If your child is studying by day in a dark room you can also keep that in mind.
More questions regarding your home lighting:
To begin with, we must start from the fact thatlight is A determining factor for life and therefore also for the health of the human being, marks our rhythms and especially the hours of sleep. Our biological clock is programmed according to the light. So if you want, you can ally with her to favor your rhythms. Have you ever heard of the circadian rhythm? We encourage you to investigate it, because it is a really exciting issue
The light in nature is expressed through cycles that mark a rhythm in all its manifestations, we can see happen the seasons of the year with all its own characteristics, so diverse, see the trees undress leaves and then return to retake them with Force, or contemplate also the dawn followed always of the dusk, the phases of the moon, so unalterable, alternating from the rain and the sun… observe how the tides rise and fall depending on the moon, the sway of the waves of the sea…
Thus, the rhythms of nature also mark even without knowing our existence of men and women. Does this affect the design of our home?
Although during the winter you will appreciate that from the morning the sun rays enter your room,
In summer instead you will be able to have curtains that do not let filter the light of the first hours. It is also possible that you need translucent crystals or curtains to preserve your intimacy where you live, well chosen sift the rays of light giving the atmosphere a more collected and personal air, which favors a pleasant and easy lifestyle.
As for the artificial light, the ideal is that you imitate the way in which the light works in the nature, you will see that it changes continuously of intensity and also of tone. You can do the same in this subtle microcosm that is your home.
We recommend you to play with the graduations, by means of the different systems of regulation and control of the lighting that offers the market, they are simple and more and more adaptable models to almost all the lamps and switches.
You can also choose to install light bulbs of different intensities.
Try to switch to savings modes, such as LED. Nowadays all the systems of regulation are part of an intelligent use of the light itself of a modern society that aspires at the same time to a high degree of comfort and to an optimal energy saving
From the ecological point of view, the lower energy consumption also implies the reduction of CO2 emissions and a more sustainable use of natural resources and the same energy sources, preserving the environment.
How to promote sleep time
When it is time to sleep you can lower the intensity of the light of the house, enough to turn off some lamps or use the light controllers…, remember also to stop using the light bulbs and stay only with the warmest , this will make it easier for all of you to retire to bed. This technique in addition to serving you, when you want to relax, is especially interesting when in your home there are children.
Now, and to finish, we will make a special suggestion for the little ones..
… how about playing with the stories and the full moon, every night… in the reality of your home?
Here’s the proposal: with the Moon at home in hand, we will mimic the language of nature Establishing an «unconscious» language with our children, or also with grandparents or other members of the house.
First you light it in the white light mode, which mimics the daylight, and you give it a lot of intensity.
Later, when it comes to bedtime you change it to warm light, finally you can gradually lower the intensity, to leave it as a nice distant light that gently illuminates the room of the little ones helping them to catch the dream without fears Night.
Without a word, and effortlessly, with the game of lights and the «Moon at Home», you have been communicating your desire to change activity and preparing for sleep. For yourself this is also a way of taking care of yourself, and of helping you to rest.
Un delicioso desfile de artículos y complementos sostenibles y saludables.
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Juliette Decor promueve el desarrollo sostenible.
Son productos artesanos, en cada uno de ellos alguien bajo nuestro mismo cielo ha parado el tiempo para crearlos utilizando bambú o madera, cáñamo, sisal, hoja de maíz, anea, esparto, yute o lino...
Cada pieza llega a tus manos tras un largo proceso de relación con la tierra, el agua y el sol. Recolectando, secando, diseñando, trenzando, o tallando …Y es para ti. Disfrútala y recuerda que esa persona al crearlo pensaba en tu hogar sin conocerlo y soñaba tu espacio, para cuidarlo.